The first social network, with social impact.

Never underestimate the power

of a small good deed.

Connecting Hearts, Changing Lives.

You have the power to change the lives of the people around you.

Woman using a mobile phone

Transformer Connection

Solidarity acts as a virtual bridge, creating meaningful connections between committed individuals, passionate NGOs and worthy causes. We facilitate collaboration and joint efforts to enhance social impact.

Donate and Support

Solidarity invites you to donate in a variety of ways, whether it's money, clothing, food or other resources. Discover how your versatile contributions can be the boost NGOs need to carry out their valuable initiatives.

Woman using a mobile phone

Find Causes Near You

Discover the needs and solidarity projects closest to you. With this feature, Solidarity connects you with opportunities to make a difference in your own community, inspiring you to contribute directly where it is needed most.

A small action can change the world, at least one person's world.

Find your Cause and Make it Yours

Make it your own mission, leave a positive footprint in the world. Your commitment can change lives.

Transforming small actions into big changes.

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